starring Sandrine Correa, Steve Smith and Efitayo Akousa
written, filmed & edited by Boris Gerrets
sound design by Boris Gerrets
sound-mixing by Mark Glynne and Anne Wellmer
music by Sister Netifa and Anne Wellmer
anonymous telephone conversations courtesy of Robin Rimbaud/Scanner
colour grading by Michiel Rummens
line producer Rosan Boersma
production assistant London Luke Marshall
intern Rosalie Gerrets
production PVHFilm with pippaciné
supported by Pieter van Huystee Film, Guy Brett, Nederlands Film Fonds, Fonds BKVB
website and graphic design Homebaking design laboratory
very special thanks for their support
Guy Brett, Robin Rimbaud/Scanner, Alexandra Handal, Bruce Wayne Mace
my mother
Anne Bean, Klaas Bense, Menno Boerema, Chris Cannen, Vladimir Chab, the Correa family,
Hughie Cronin, Désirée Delauney, Ramon Gieling, Alex Goeckjan, Pieter van Huystee, Mark Jansen,
Tess Labrador, Philip Lee, Cyril Lepetit, David Medalla, Erik Pezarro, Nico Pollen, Josje Polman,
Ritva Raitsalo, Jiska Rickels, Elizabeth Rocha Salgado, Sarr on Oxford street, Emre Soykan,
Marko Stephanov, Raj Verdi, Dal Yagan, Meino Zeilemaker
Laurence V. Jones
the London Regatta Centre
Paddy and Paul support crew